• If you are buying and a deal looks too good to be true, it usually is and you should take extra due diligence
  • Use established brokers and boat sales companies whenever possible to minimise scams
  • Offers of sale or return without you viewing the boat first are likely to be a scam for your deposit
  • When paying for a boat always avoid interception fraud by verifying the recipients account details thoroughly – these must be provided in person or verified by a telephone check call – NEVER trust email communication
  • Check title documents, proof of  VAT payment and CE/RCD carefully – some companies sell grey imports illegally to use in UK & Europe
  • Never accept a cheque or transfer as cleared funds without speaking to your bank
  • If in doubt, ask a broker you know and trust to handle the sale, this will put off scammers

If you find an advertisement, website or company you suspect of fraudulent activity notify the Police and Action Fraud immediately. Please also tell us, we will then make it known within the ABYA brokers community, publicly share and take steps to stop it if appropriate.